Well, I am an university student! So proud to say that :D, though just many hardships are still waiting ahead ( no, not only ahead, it's in right now). Buying the laptop made me falling into almost-empty-wallet and no-go-out-anywhere situation. And if I can't find a part-time job this month, I will get troubles in the next month ( ak ak, @_@ ). Then...the tuition...hasn't been paid yet,however asking parents for it seems to be a hard word to say. But there's no other way exept from it.I'm sorry, mom, dad :(( All the hardships I endured I will never let you know, just keep it a secret for me and my friends. I always talk to you about the good things only and face to you with smiles. I will try my best to study, to get scholarship, play a active part in volunteer corner, do the things which make you two be proud of me :)
I still believe that I'm a lucky girl. Wherever I go, there' re always some people willing to help me :) So don't worry too much about me!!!