mercoledì 17 novembre 2010

Today my department of international relation took a field trip to Kobe mosque and Kobe synagogue ^^ At first I was a little disappointed that the mosque man explained everything about Muslim in Japanese because it was an English class and I really wanted to listen English. But when we came to the synagogue and attended a lecture in English, I understood why my teacher arranged one lecture in Japanese and one lecture in English. In the Enlish lecture, one third fell asleep, one third were absent-minded, only one third concentrated on the lecture and maybe noone could understand all the speech :)) Though I was absolutely not interested in Muslim, Judaism or religions, it was the first time I had gone to such that places, so it excited me very much
Tomorrow is my turn to make a speech in speaking English class. I really wanted to do with the subject "recommeding your country to foreigners". But teacher chose the subject "culture shock" for me >.< I have already wondered what experiences I should talk in class. My impressions of Japan are quiet complicated. Japan is good, affluent. In here people can buy all kinds of fashions in the world, can eat all kinds of foods of many country from Asian coutries like Korea, Vietnam, Thailand... to European countries like Spain, Italy, France... without going abroad and they are not too expensive in general. Many foods which are luxurious in Vietnam and very difficult to eat like salmon, tuna, mushrooms... can be bought easily and people eat them everday. Japanese girls are also fashionable and always dressed up. Well, it seems a paradise for many foreigners who want to leave their poor country to immigrate to Japan. But on the other side of this society, there are many things that make me dislike to live here. Japaneses work 12 hours a day and 6 days a week. The work is hard and always has pressure. So it is very easy to be stressed. Japaneses pay too much attention on etiquette, human relations, wearing masks of the makeup and commendation everyday. Those things make me sick >_<
If one does not live in Japan, he can not understand these feelings well

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